This is a series of products designed based on customer needs. Depending on priorities, we can propose specific types of covers: CR, AC, ATM. Each of these types has a special feature - allowing for additional protection in sensitive production areas.

The main goal of using these covers is to prevent energy losses. In industries utilizing thermal energy in the form of water, steam, thermal oil, or in refrigeration installations - insulation will secure the production process efficiency and ensure high safety standards.




Covers of this type are coated with porous glass fabric coated with PTFE, and they are resistant to almost all chemical substances. The inner and outer layer of Teflon provides an effective barrier against aggressive agents. The insulation is designed in a way that the specific environment of chemical interactions does not affect the fittings or the surroundings. This product line is characterized by high wear resistance.


THERMO-GEN CR™ covers are used in areas exposed to:
  • frequent washing and spraying with detergents causing degradation and corrosion of equipment,
  • dynamic leaks of aggressive media from inside the insulated installation to minimize the risk of contact with hazardous substances.



Thermal insulation with an additional soundproofing layer for noise-generating devices.


THERMO-GEN AC™ covers are used in:
  • installations requiring improvement in occupational health and safety conditions regarding acoustic standards,
  • plants requiring the introduction of an additional barrier for noise emitted by devices such as control valves, pumps, refrigeration units, compressors.



A "tailor-made" product - a cover protecting devices from the negative impact of atmospheric conditions such as rainfall, snow, wind, and UV radiation. It protects the insulated device from water and corrosion.


THERMO-GEN ATM™ covers are typically used for protection:
  • of electrical devices,
  • of pneumatic devices,
  • of industrial fittings,
  • of flange and screw connections,
  • and even electronic components such as electric actuators, electronic sensors, pneumatic actuators, and motors.

Main Advantages:


  • Effective protection against thermal energy leakage from installations,
  • Uncompromising improvement in occupational health and safety conditions,
  • Easy and quick installation/removal without additional structural elements, tools, or training,
  • Seamless access to installations, reducing maintenance and inspection downtimes,
  • Protection of fittings against external factors,
  • Fire-resistant and soundproofing properties.

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We meet the high requirements of our industrial and corporate partners.
We have reliable internal procedures, certifications, and references.